Spooktober: Classic Dating Thrillers — Hocus Pocus — The Blink Date

2 min readOct 19, 2020

Spooktober is here and aside from the ghouls, ghosts, spirits, and spells surrounding the holiday season, there is nothing better than brisk air, crackling fire, and a spooky story! In the spirit of Halloween, we’ve modified some classic tales as modern day dating stories!

The story and characters below are fictional, of course… but if it sends a shiver down your spine, we hope you’re able to grab the arm of someone (or something? But first maybe check that it isn’t a werewolf!) next to you!

There is always something mysterious and cute about the new kid in class. I remember being totally smitten by the new kid in town, Max, who just moved to our quiet New England town with his family from California.

He had this alt-rock swagger and gorgeous eyes, so I couldn’t be more excited when his picture popped up on the dating app I used at the time (hint: its name rhymes with sminder). We had a connection and I was sure we’d have instant chemistry (remember: those eyes!). After matching on the app, my dreams seemed to be coming true — he invited me to Trick-or-Treat with him and his little sister.

Things got a little complicated — but in a nutshell, it turned out he was a virgin and, in his inexperience, he ended up summoning the spirits of century-old witches trying to impress me. This did not charm my pants off, but, as is often the case with miscast spells and charms, things backfired and the witches ended up trying to kill his little sister.

It was a wild first date, I’ll admit I DID spend the night, but he never really made a move. So it fell apart. I’ll never forget it though!

Lesson learned: stick to real connections and not Halloween fairy tales.

  • Vinessa — Salem, MA
Photo by Neven Krcmarek on Unsplash

Any similarities to these fictional characters are purely coincidental and probably nothing to be concerned about, but we 100% recommend burning some sage to be safe.

Happy Spooktober!

Originally published at https://www.theblinkdate.com on October 19, 2020.

